Tortuga underwater robot
The Tortuga is an underwater robot with a depth detection capability of 500 meters. Each of the 4 horizontal thrusters is capable of generating 17 kgf of thrust and is equipped with a unique azimuth control system, which allows the underwater robot to be operated under strong electric conditions of up to 4 knots regardless of direction.
- Product Description
- Commodity name: Tortuga underwater robot
The Tortuga is an underwater robot with a depth detection capability of 500 meters. Each of the 4 horizontal thrusters is capable of generating 17 kgf of thrust and is equipped with a unique azimuth control system, which allows the underwater robot to be operated under strong electric conditions of up to 4 knots regardless of direction.
Product Introduction
The Tortuga is an underwater robot with a depth detection capability of 500 meters. Each of the 4 horizontal thrusters is capable of generating 17 kgf of thrust and is equipped with a unique azimuth control system, which allows the underwater robot to be operated under strong electric conditions of up to 4 knots regardless of direction.
With its unparalleled 1.5 thrust-to-weight ratio and fully integrated acoustic imaging solution, Tortuga Tortuga is the ultimate tool for underwater inspection in harsh operating conditions (low visibility, high current, remote inspection, etc.).
Product advantages
The Tortuga is powered by 4 horizontal thrusters, each with an azimuth control thrust of 17kgf. It provides the highest thrust-to-weight ratio of detection levels for underwater robots on the market.
Thanks to the innovative communication protocol, the diameter of the underwater robot tether is reduced (9.5mm) to minimize resistance and optimize the detection range.
hydrodynamic design
The Tortuga's innovative shape design is inspired by the AUV design to enhance navigation and increase detection range.
partial parameters
Overview of underwater robot
Depth class 500 m
Underwater robot specification length 996mm x width 430mm x height 461mm
Weight of underwater robot 45kg in air (35kg thin configuration)/neutral water
Maximum speed of underwater robot 4.2 nm (max. operating current. 4 knots)
Propulsion and power supply
Propeller 4 manually adjustable horizontal thrusters (reduced) or with azimuth control (17kgf per thruster) and 2 vertical thrusters (10 kgf per thruster)
Power Supply External Power 400/230 VAC
Ground power supply equipment 10 kVA

Changfeng Alliance Internet Information Service Promotion Working Group

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